The result for the “My Money Resolution for 2012” contest is in, and let me tell you…this was tough.
I want to thank everyone who participated!
There were way too many great submissions for this to be an easy exercise. So the choice of the winner was incredibly tight.
But still, I had to choose the best entry, and it was the one that dealt with the behavioural issues of handling one’s money and investments…and one that communicated the entire essence of human behaviour and money in an amazingly simple manner.
I mean, I couldn’t have explained this subject in a better way!
And the winner is…
The new year resolution this year will be different from what I do everytime. I am attempting to recollect what my older ones (grandma, parents) taught me and how I can apply that to world of investing.
In a way I plan to remind myself of the fond memories of my parents (elders) and merge them with my financial resolutions. I also want my younger ones to know that simple things we have learnt in our life are all that is needed to be a successful investor.
1: Will believe in Gita – Karm karo Fal ki asha mat karo – Will worry about the company and its earnings not about the stock market ticker.
2: Will try to be a Karmayogi – There is perhaps only one karmayogi in the field of investing and he is Warren Buffett. Hence I will believe only in him and also his theories. Will read about him everything I can.
3: Will remember – Jitna chadar utna paun failao – I will never borrow to invest in stocks. Will be within my limits investing only a small portion of money which is not needed in long term. By long term I mean ‘years’ .
4: Will remember – Life is a game, play it and enjoy it – I will invest for peace of my mind (and long term goals). Weekends will always be spent time with family, not worrying about stock market.
5: Will not be jealous of others – In financial terms it means that if my friend has made money on a stock or tip does not mean I too would invest in it. Envy, jealousy and greed could make me take wrong decisions.
6: Will Meditate daily – Investing should not be worrisome and should be simple. All the science of behavioural economics deals with how our mind tricks us with short cuts. This is hazardous in investing. So if I meditate daily I may be able to overcome my shortcomings and keep learning from my mistakes.
7: Will Buy clothes when there is a sale in pantaloons – Will not buy equities when they are as historical highs. Buy when they are historically low.
8: Will remember – Suno sabki, karo apni – Will be independent and believe in what I do. Will ask my cable operator to stop telecasting financial news channels. Will read those ‘pink’ newspapers (financial newspapers) to know ‘what NOT to do’.
9: Will remember that ‘character is what makes a human’ – Ultimately investing for me boils down to what I think and act upon. With a strong temperament (character) I will make few decisions and fewer mistakes. I would wait patiently when I know I am correct. Strength of character also means that when I have huge cash I am prone to make mistakes so I will hold my purse tight with true strength.
10: Will spend time in what I love and have patience – I love gardening and wait patiently for a plan to grow. I know that the power of compounding takes effect in the same pace at which a plant grows.
11: Will travel by the road less travelled – Value investing is a road less travelled by and least discussed about. To go against the tide is not easy. I will remember that when everybody around me advises to invest in stock markets – I need to think of moving out them. If I do what others do then probably I will end up only in consolation but not in heavy gains.
~ Vikash Kumar
Vikash wins a free copy of Peter Lynch’s “One Up on Wall Street”.
Congratulations Vikash, and thanks to everyone who participated in the contest.
Excellent selection. The maker of the resolution has really applied himself on ageold truths. Congratulate him once again on my behalf. And Thank YOU for sharing such a wonderful resolution.