Hi. I’m Vishal Khandelwal. I’m a teacher, investor, and founder of Safal Niveshak (Hindi phrase for ‘successful investor’). I am happy to see you here!

I have been a stock market investor for over 19 years and an investment coach for 11 years. Safal Niveshak, which I started in 2011, is my initiative to help people learn the art of value investing and behavioural finance to be able to make better investment decisions. It’s now a community of 90,000+ dedicated readers and has been ranked among the best value investing blogs worldwide. The site is actively read and followed across 100+ countries. Over the years, I have also trained 10,000+ people in value investing through my online courses, newsletters and workshops.
I am also Adjunct Faculty – Finance at Flame University, Pune. My work has appeared in Bloomberg, Economic Times, and ET Now, and I have spoken across the world on the subjects of investing, personal finance, and financial freedom.
This site is the home of my life’s work. For over eleven years now, I’ve been writing here about investing, business analysis, human behaviour, and my life experiences. The central question I’m trying to answer through my work is, “How can we become better at decision making, in investing and outside of it?”
How My Work Will Benefit You
If you are looking for ways and tools to develop the right thinking, mindset, and process that is required for long-term investment success, this is the place for you. I don’t claim to have all the answers and I still have a lot to learn, but I’m happy to share what I’ve learned along the way.
My writing focuses on topics like…
- How to build the right mindset for success in investing
- How to make good investment decisions and avoid bad ones
- How to analyse business for long term ownerships
- How to create a sound investment process
Here are just a couple of testimonials on my work from India’s leading authorities in this field –

Vishal is truly passionate and it shows in the work he is doing at Safal Niveshak. If you want to become a serious, long-term investor, Safal Niveshak is truly a gold mine for you, filled with great perspectives and wisdom. ~ Chetan Parikh

I am sure that any investor (including experienced ones) in Indian markets would benefit from Vishal’s work. I certainly have. ~ Prof. Sanjay Bakshi
I Have Skin in the Game
Applying everything I write here, I have done reasonably well in my career as a stock market investor, and have been able to pay off all my financial liabilities, build a reliable savings pool, quit my job to pursue my passion in writing and teaching what I know best. In short, what I teach here is exactly how I have build my own safety net (call it ‘wealth’ if you may) successfully from stocks to achieve financial peace of mind.
And over the years of doing this – practicing and teaching the art of sensible wealth creation through stocks – I have come to believe that there are no secrets to stock investing that most people don’t know of. The literature has been there since the 1940s, when Ben Graham, the father of value investing, first wrote about it in his landmark book The Intelligent Investor.
Other practitioners of this art, like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Seth Klarman, Walter Schloss, and Howard Marks have been writing about it for years now.
So, you can find hundreds and thousands of resources in print and on the Internet on how you can become a smart, successful investor. However, what I found lacking ever since I started learning this art of sensible stock picking myself, was a structured, step-by-step approach to do it.
I never knew where to start and how to proceed. I could never find a mentor who would hand-hold me in my learning journey.
With this thought in mind, and after interacting with a lot of investors who were sailing in the same boat as I was, I set out many years back to combine all my investment learning from the previous decade – both personal experiences and what I learned vicariously – to create this platform that teaches what the world’s best investors have practiced for years, and how they did it successfully.
I continue to sift through a mountain of amazing books, documents, lectures, and other resources so that I could bring on the table just the very best ideas and lessons in investing and building wealth for other investors to learn.
You can start by reading my articles or check out my books.
If you’re ready to learn from my learnings and experiences, then please enter your email address to subscribe to my free newsletter – The Journal of Investing Wisdom – which contains the best ideas on money and investing, behavioral finance, and business analysis to help you secure your financial independence so you can live the life you deserve.
Becoming a subscriber is also the quickest way to benefit from everything I write on the site. Also, when you subscribe, you receive all my e-books and special reports on investing, plus one stock analysis template. All these for FREE!
Before I end, here’s what Safal Niveshak is NOT. My work here is meant for those who are interested in value investing which in effect is the ‘slow but sensible’ way of getting rich through stock markets. So, if you are interested in ‘hot tips’ or advice on ‘getting rich quick’, I would suggest you to not waste your precious time here. I hate to sound unfriendly here.
There is absolutely nothing on this website for people interested in the fast route to make money from the stock market. There never will be! But if you ever give up the futile search for the next quick money-making stock tips, come back here. I will leave the lights on for you.
I just wanted to finish by saying that I am here for YOU, not only as a guide while you begin or continue your investing journey but also as a friend.
I do my best to respond to all emails (it’s getting tougher as this blog gains in popularity, but I will always do my best to respond, though I may get late sometimes). And I don’t hold myself above anybody. I’m not special; I like to work hard and help others.
Contact me at vishal(at)safalniveshak(dot)com to let me know what you think about this initiative, what are your experiences, if you have any suggestions, or for anything else related to knowing yourself and growing! I love reading emails sent by readers (though I often get late in replying), so drop me a line.
Thank you so much for your support, and all the best in your journey of becoming a smart manager and allocator of your hard-earned money.
With respect,