Close on the heels of The Charlie Munger Manifesto, which contains his most important rules for living a good life, and avoiding bad outcomes, here comes The Charlie Munger ‘Investing’ Manifesto, which lays down some of his most profound ideas on becoming a wiser investor.
Click here to download the manifesto in high resolution.
Click here to download the manifesto in high resolution.
Read it. Print it. Frame it. Face it. Remember it. Do it.
And if you find value in it, please share it.
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You can never get enough of Charlie. And so, in his memory, and as part of The Inner Game podcast, I am launching a new series titled “The Munger Method” on his unforgettable speech titled “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment.”
In The Munger Method, I am going to try and dissect Charlie’s timeless wisdom from that speech and break it down into bite-sized, easy-to-understand podcasts.
Click here to watch the introduction episode.
You can also find this series and all past episodes of The Inner Game podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon.
Hope you like them and find some value. Please let me know your feedback and/or suggestions for improvement. Thank you.
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