“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” ~ Aristotle
I wish you a very happy Diwali, dear tribesman.
I also wish that not only you enjoy the lights you see around, but you also be the light – either by being a candle of love, compassion, and wisdom…or by being the mirror that reflects it.

Then, even as the stock market gets more euphoric and you hear an army of experts telling you how this tower of cards would rise even higher, I wish you keep a calm mind and join the party not because you are frustrated to have missed it all this while, but only if you find some value here.
I also wish you avoid getting anchored by how fast stock prices have risen over the past one month, and fall into believing that this time it’s really different.
I wish you realize that the stock market has not gotten safer just because prices are rising, but that there is a great probability of this drunkard, high on an overdose of cheap and plentiful money, falling into the pit sooner than later.
I wish you throw out this “Sensex at 22,000” or “Nifty at 8,000” nonsense you are being fed day in and day out, and realize that India still has a bucketful of zombie companies that you must avoid at all costs.
I wish you realize that the stock market can be a dangerous game if you are in for just the next 2 or 3 years. Play it only if you are thinking of 10-20 years horizon.
To end on a brighter note, I wish you internalize this thought from Martin Luther King – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.”
So, finally, I wish you light up within yourself the candle of learning, independent thinking, and patience so that you can drive out the darkness caused by ignorance, greed, fear, and jealousy.
I wish you again a happy Diwali…today, tomorrow, and every day for the rest of your life.
Just a note – do not detest darkness. Light and darkness are opposites, both equally real. One is presence of something, the other is absence of something. Live fully, and trust oneself. Act out of true choice, rather than under unconscious influence.
A happy Deepavali to you, Vishal, and all your readers. May there is be joy in our lives.
Thanks Rajaram! Hope you had a great Diwali too. I wish an amazing life for you ahead. Regards.
Dear Vishalji,
Wish you a very Happy Diwali and prosperous Nutan Varshaabhinandan from bottom of my heart. I am really grateful which you have given and still giving me the complete makeover of my material life, and wide understanding of investing. Hope dear Bhagawan will continue giving you help and strength to write a very useful investing articles for all of us.
Saurabh Chavda
Thanks for your kind words of appreciation and motivation, Saurabhji. Regards.
Dear Vishal…
Thanks for your timely views..
It is true that even best of value investors can wither away due to this non stop onslaught of media, experts views, exuberance and thought of missed opportunities ..
Markets are rising and everyone who is recommending stocks is looking like a genius..hope this apparent overdose will provide opportunities to tribes men in coming weeks..;)
My thoughts are if on your special situations, you have made 30-40% gains in last two months,you had enough fun for the year as a value investor..So cash out.
If you have a long term view( i.e Vishal’s long term) don’t look at markets, but only at underlying business realty of your holdings..
Happy Diwali to all readers..
Thanks for the reiteration, Prakash! 🙂
Have a great year ahead. Regards.
Wish you very happy and prosperous diwali. Lets this diwali brings the light to see more undervalue stocks.
Thanks Manish! Same to you.
Dear Vishal and Tribesmen
Wishing all of you and your families, a Diwali, full of Happiness, Health, Hope, Wisdom and Prospertiy.
May you be the light for yourself and countless others in present and future !! “There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.” – Bram Stoker
With warm regards
Amen, Akhilesh! Have a great year ahead. Regards.
Hi Vishal,
Wish you the same.
Happy Diwali to everyone and best wishes for a great year ahead.
Thanks, and same to you Sudhir! Regards.