A few random searches on Google brought me to these…

I posted the first image on Safal Niveshak’s Facebook and Twitter pages and got a flurry of replies…

I expected people to bash the forecaster in their responses, and so they did!
However, the harsh truth remains that for whatever reason you may curse others – brokers, television experts, or bloggers like me – for your stock market mistakes and losses, the real devil lies not outside of you, but inside of you.
These guys say exactly what YOU want to hear…

Seth Klarman wrote in Margin of Safety…
If interplanetary visitors landed on Earth and examined the workings of our financial markets and the behavior of financial market participants, they would no doubt question the intelligence of the planet’s inhabitants.
Howard Marks wrote in his January 2013 memo to clients…
Humans often fail to learn. They forget the lessons of history, repeat patterns of behaviour and make the same mistakes.
“I won’t do that again,” we tell ourselves. But then the next bull market begins, and what happens? “This time is different,” we conclude. And it’s the same story all over again.
Look back at your own investing past – if you remember some of it – and you will know how often you’ve made a mockery of the belief that man is a rational animal.
The man was never a rational animal, always a rationalizing one.
Look at these two images…

I’m sure you would agree that human nature has not changed between these two eras.
So let’s stop blaming others, and let’s start behaving ourselves.
I know it’s difficult, but let’s try…for the sake of our own selves.
———–Art of Investing Workshop in Bangalore & Chennai ———
If you want to hear me say it on your face why the devil really lies inside you, I invite you to attend my Investing Workshop in Bangalore (18th Jan. 2014, Saturday) or Chennai (19th Jan.). Just 10 seats remain in Chennai to claim the Rs 1,000 early-bird discount. This offer for Bangalore is now closed as early-bird seats are full. Few open seats are however available in Bangalore. If you wish to register before seats are full, click here.
Totally agree. Media’s business is to get our eyes and ears and they will do whatever gets them that because only then do they get the money from advertisers / other sources.
We need to have a hold on ourselves and investigate and try to learn instead of blindly following whatever is being rattled out.
This holds not just for the share bazaar but anything be it history, politics, money, family …..