We perceive this world through our five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. So our eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose are the five receivers which help us make sense of the world around us.
Nature has designed each of our senses meticulously. In spite of that, if used individually, these five instruments are insufficient to help us function normally. That’s why for most of our routine activities we use combination of more than one sense organ. For example, walking requires use of eyes, skin and ear (for balancing), for communicating we use ears and tongue etc.
For most people who are passionate about learning, reading is a primary source of information. However, in reading you’re only using one instrument – eyes. These days, audio books is another popular and very effective medium to learn new things. In audio books (and podcasts), you’re again engaging only one sense – hearing.
In fact, for thousands of years, until the discovery of print medium, most human civilizations transferred their knowledge orally from one generation to other – their own version of audio books, if you will.
But what if you could engage both these senses together? Don’t you think the retention of what you learn would be much better?
A picture speaks a thousand words. And a video? It’s a well established fact that learning through video illustrations creates much better retention and understanding of what is being communicated. A good illustrative video leverages the power of sight, sound and ‘thousand words’.
So to experiment with this medium, Safal Niveshak is launching a new initiative – video series on Latticework of Mental Models. For the first episode, we have created a video illustration of complex adaptive systems mental model.
Please click here if you can’t see the video above. Read the transcript of the video here.
The video is based on this post on complex adaptive systems.
We hope you like the video and would love to hear your feedback.
Take care and keep learning.
Very nicely explained Anshul.
Thanks Suresh.
Cool Explanation and nice illustration.. Keep up your work Anshul…
Thank you Fasil.
Great work Anshul!
Thanks Vikas.
Hey Anshul,
This is cool. Especially, for my friends who don’t like reading. 😉
My further comment may sound weird but there were 2 mistakes … the one u explained is Newtons 3rd law of motion n Hindsight was spelled without ‘d’.
2nd one was spotted, unknowingly, by my 5 years old kid when he asked me what it means. He was watching the video along with.
Pls don’t remove me subscribers list.
Hi Vishal,
Glad you liked it.
Thanks for pointing out the errors. I have added annotations in the video to acknowledge and correct the mistakes.
I’ll be more careful in future videos 🙂
Great work Anshul !
Thanks Sachin.
Excellent video Anshul. I can only imagine how much effort went into putting this together.
I am pretty sure that explaining mental models via small videos like yours is quite unique, haven’t really come across anything like this before.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your kind words Ashish.
Good job Anshul
Thanks Robin.
Great work Anshul
Thank you Kamal.
thanks for compiling it. It is easy to understand in comparison to written article. Appreciate your effort. Wish safal niveshak all the best.
Thanks Peeyush.
Very well presented Anshul and also clearly defined with examples. Lets hope that with the beginning of this new series of learning aids (videos, presentation, etc), we can understand this subject very easily which is not so easy to understand.
Thanks Vivek.
really liked the video ….thanks 🙂
Thanks Vipin.
Hi Anshul, Can you have a transcript of the same below the video or also have a written article. I generally like to read fast and the pace at which the video goes may not be suitable for all certainly not for me in which case i tend to doze off (Not in any way a reflection on the video). They are brilliant in all sense.
So for a smaller population like myself, a written article will bode good.
With respect.
Hi Sathyaraj,
I have added the link to transcript in the video description.
The video is based on a post that was published on Safal Niveshak some time back. So if you want to read a more detailed note on Complex Adaptive Systems, you can read it here.