Here is my review of the FY17 annual report of India’s leading online classifieds company, Info Edge.
Click here to download the PDF review (7 MB file), or click the image below.

Let me know your thoughts and questions on this review in the Comments section of this post, plus any additional thoughts from your own review of Info Edge’s FY17 annual report.
Statutory Warning: This is NOT an investment advice to buy or sell shares. Please make your own decision, as blindly acting on anyone else’s research and opinions can be injurious to your wealth. I do not own the stock, but my analysis may be biased, and wrong. I have been wrong many times in the past. I am a registered Research Analyst as per SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014 (Registration No. INH000000578).
In one word, superb! Thanks again for a wonderful review of annual reports you have presented Vishal.
I am indebted to you for the knowledge you share so freely with us. Wish I could ever contribute to your cause. I am in the US, but look forward to meeting you someday. Cheers!
Hi Vishal
Amazing review, one can learn a lot from your AR reviews.
Few points i would like to add on info edge.
As mentioned by you trade barrier is very low, and there are few entrants in market like hackerearth, hackerrank which are providing online platform for screening the job aspirant.
Wonderful dissection of various parts of the annual report and even better articulation.
My compliments to your skills.