“What’s keeping you from being rich? In most cases, it’s simply a lack of belief. In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it, and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal.” – Suze Orman
Well, that was the theory of getting rich. Here are the pratical tips, the actions necessary to get rich –

Also Read –
1. Getting Rich vs. Staying Rich
2. How to Get Rich, Stay Rich And Be Happy
Awesome , made my day , week and years to come.
Hello Vishal,
Good afternoon,
I learnt about you from one of the value investing blogs and would like to check if you have any advisory services for indiavidual value investors. i have started the journey of value investing by going through your blogs and started reading suggested books and supertexts. i still feel that currently i will require a advisory services which i can rely upon to participate in the journey of wealth management.
please share your inputs and guidance to kick start my journey.
I am based out of pune and please let me know if it possible to meet you in person.
Very Nicely explained and Practical
Blog by blog, my admiration for you goes up. You are drumming sense into my inattentive and avaricious mind.
Am I thankful for it? Very! Verily. Please keep at it – my greed is tenacious.
Great infographic! You are doing the Indian investing community a great service. It’s been a shock for me since I moved to India what passes for “long term” in this country. If only more Indians invested in stock market for decades instead of expecting miraculous results in a few months…
Nice chart sir…I wish we could find second option in chart..hahaha…very true the last option is what we can bet on now…thanks for the diagram…
As we know, there is no shortcut to getting rich. Everybody has to do hard and smart work to become a millionaire. You have explained it very well by this infographic.
Thank you for this great article.